BassMan enjoying the Chicken Enchiladas.  Thanks to QPassage for the idea.  These worked GREAT.  This is the second time that I've taken them into the park.  Now, only if I could find some decent hot sauce that is not in a glass bottle.  
A 4.7lb Smallie from Carp lake.  Proffit, and I found a shelf that we anchored on.  We managed to catch around 10-12 fish from that area.  ALL the fish were LARGE and in charge.  This was the best of the bunch.  
This area of Birch like reminds me of a like back home called Dogwood.  This area was LOADED with largemouth.  Any technique using a jig would work in this area.  Pay careful attention to the laydowns, and how they are in the water.  Parallel fishing is the ONLY way to adequately fish this type of structure.  We used 1/4 oz bitzy bugs with craw trailers to HAMMER the fish in this area.
Another nice smally for Geo.  
Boundary Waters/Quetico Spring Trip for 2005

May 26th - June 4th, 2005

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